Action Learning

Action Learning is a group problem solving method in which the group solves complex problems while learning and developing their competences. Action Learning is an invaluable teamwork tool that will help you achieve amazing results, especially if you are a team leader.

Action Learning was developed by Roger Revans and Michael Marquardt. The fruit of their cooperation is the current shape of the Action Learning method in the WIAL trend, in which we work in Agile Brains.

How to use Action Learning

Group analysis and solving complex problems.
Development of individual competences (mainly leadership).
Development of team competences.
Building effective teams based on trust, strong relationships, openness and agency.

Application forms of Action Learning

Single Problem Action Learning (SPAL) – this formula of work focuses on a previously selected common problem of the group. It is often preceded by preliminary work on the definition of the problem. In such a formula, the group usually meets for several sessions, during which work on solving the problem is continued. Sessions in such a formula usually last from 1.5 hours to several hours. Action Learning is often then combined with other techniques for working on the problem..

Multi Problem Action Learning (MPAL) – this formula is used when working on competence development and team building. Work in this formula is a group work on problems brought by individual people (one person is the problem presenter). Most often it is about 6 meetings organized every few weeks. Meetings in this formula usually last 1.5 hours.

If you want to check if Action Learning will work for your team, we suggest a demo session combined with an introduction to Action Learning. Within 2 hours you will be able to experience working with this method and evaluate its effects together with your team.


Przemysław Witka – Certified Action Learning Coach

Action Learning Offer

Price per hour of working with a group: 500 zł + VAT

Size of the group: 4-8 people.

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